Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First day of Kindergarten!

Oh boy how does that song go...oh yeah lets just have Mark sing that Adam Sandler song off "Billy Madison", while I cry...
"Back to school, back to prove to mama I'm not a fool"!!

He was up before me and rearing to go. Once the clothes were on, he insisted mama do his He didn't want to eat breakfast, but I had to bribe him with a bowl of Reeses Puffs cereal. As I sent him off to line up with his class mates, all the parents stayed, along with I. It felt like a bunch of mama cows nervously watching their calves :)

8 boys and 4 girls are in his class and boy were they full of energy. We had orientation last night and some of the past preschool teachers asked Colten who he had..He replied " I have that mean ole lady"...There was many laughs that echoed the gymnasium.

The classroom has some state of the art equiptment and made Mark and I want to go back to Kindergarten...It looked like alot of fun!

I quietly cried on my way home and now as I write this. How can that tender lil boy who I excitedly brought home, bundled in my arms, be headed off to kindergarten. A place full of opportunities to brighten his future. I feel so old at 25 and sending my 5yr old off. This will take time to get used to.

Colten, mommy loves you with all her heart. You have given her many memories, laughter, tears when you were home with me. I love you dearly and can't wait for what your future may bring. I'll always be waiting for you to get home, to share your day, be there during your struggles, and help carry you forward. I love you lil man!


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