Friday, August 10, 2012

You might be a redneck if.......

Well if your 50% of the population of Nebraska!!

I originally come from a small farm town called Cheney, WA. There we were taught how to enunciate our words, be proper (bwhahah), have manners and yet be normal... In Nebraska, its a beautiful, fun and amazing state..but I've been here for 7 years and the goofy side is kicking in.

So being pregnant, comes with it's challenges. I'm at the starting feat where I can't see my toes to well, putting on socks feels more like pilates exercise, and the uncomfortable pain noises sound like animal calls.

Well as a female, normally we all reach a point where it's time to knock down the tree stuble, or weeds from our legs. In my case, I can't bend as well and had to revert my thinking based on redneck legends. Think...think....think! 

Who would of thought a yard stick could have so many purposes. I mean you can measure fabric length, your kids height, hey even turn it into a weapon. I've comed to my senses and will become a millionare helping the elderly and prego woman all over the world...lets introduce "Insta-shaver stick".
 Grab your handy dandy duct tape and take your shaver, and tape it to the stick= BRILLIANCE at it's finest. It's at the right length and you can finally shave your unsightly leg landscape. I do plan on adding a warning label...because it's not totally fool proof...I mean has blades and anyone can cut

I'll let you know how it!

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love this. I always just assumed if it cannot be done alone once it becomes in possible....make the husband help. lol
