Monday, August 13, 2012

New landscape!

HORRAY!! We got the phone call today that our landscapers will be coming tomorrow. Since we bought the house, they had never installed grass, and wanted the option for the new homeowners...kinda cool. So they will arrive tomorrow with our blue prints and trailer load of shrubs, trees, bark, and masonary rocks. I can't wait to take pics and it's been a long time coming.

The project will take two days and I can't wait to take before and after pics of the progress. It's been nice to have this delayed because there was no way the grass would of survived the drought, no matter how much water you put into it.

I'm still remembering all that we wanted but I do remember a japanese maple tree, juniper shrubs, mini spruce tree's, oriental grass, light colored bark and some flowers. I know there doing the whole perimeter and the mail box area. Since the drought, all we've had to do was roundup weeds and not worry about mowing.

After that is done, Mark's cousin will be coming to install the underground sprinkler systems and Bill will be coming to revamp all the weeds out, more dirt and install hydroseed grass.

I did warn Mark after we had $2000.00 worth of damage because of our dog...that the moment she digs up a bush, tears the yard to pieces or eats a sprinkler head...she's gone. She's already destroyed two of my car tires, chewed up the electrical wires from our Green Mountain Grill, some on the boat, chewed up Colts whole, and seat...chewed up all of our cattle supplies and tipped a garbage can with 4 bags of trash throughout the whole yard!! All because we were gone for the day...she somehow learned to open both garage side doors. Our place was TRASHED!!

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