Saturday, August 11, 2012 that my husband???

Ahh the simple things in life, I've learned to love and appreciate. My hubby has had one trying year, but is a smart man when it comes to farming practices. The poor man gets to bed at midnight, gets up at 6am each day. Cattle need checked, pivots looked over, and maintenance on the farm.

When he does come home, it's a blessing he arrives safe and out of harms way. This year we have pushed the pivots to the max. The drought has finally hit the watering hole for the pivots and like's something to worry about.

I have to tease my hubby, I swear these pivots are his new girlfriends and boy are the needy might I add. They all have a name and every time I meet with them, I have to hold my tongue before the heavenly father hears my choice

The good news....Barbara the bimbo pivot has been fixed after three grueling days of leaking, sparking, and creating more of a concern. My hubby put a stop to her water works. As most know this summer we have been tortured with intensive heat throughout the midwest. We only recieved three rains and each only totalled 20 hundredths. As I say...enough to wet the concrete and make the dirt crack.

So mother nature and I had a long talk and she's finally decided to give us a break. Were looking at 80's weather for the week and a possiblility of rain tonight. I might just want to do my rain dance, but I want to refrain from shaking the

Well since the end of summer is nearing, pivots might get to be shut off for the weekend. Talk about a huge newsflash!! This is big news.. Granted the corn is crap, but we still have soybeans that we can water and are doing ok due to the drought.

Therefore, what shall a pent up farm wife do...I mean this is a rare occasion!! Well since the hubby is home and our first anniversary is Monday, were going to take advantage of shopping for new clothes, eat supper at a nice steakhouse, shoot I might steal some hugs from him.

I'm not the average ole milk cow either. I don't require much, and not a picky person...but those who do know me I'm a tomboy thru and thru. So for our anniversary, since we bought a new house last Feb and we have a sliding window...I want SHADES...Let me whip out my crayons and draw a pic.

Our house is rectangular shaped. 1900sq upstairs and 1700sq down stairs...estimate. Anyways the laundry room/mud room is right by garage and our rooms are on the opposite side of the house. Let's just say when your muddy, or dirty..the clothes come off and your doing the ultimate streaker mad dash to the bedroom. While in persuit, you can't help but notice the HUGE open window facing the neighbors,  and dare looking out as you run along..

Now that I'm pregnant...I feel sorry for my  Can't imagine there thinking and blinking, contemplating if the just saw a humped back, two legged buffalo. Trust me, I make sure I smile each time. The hubby is more normal about it.

I can't wait to spend some quality time with him. I'll be sure that he knows he's loved, taken care of, and most of all the love of my life. I appreciate everything that he does and count my blessings each day..He sacrifices alot to provide for us. Every bruise, cut, dirt stain...I don't take for granted!
Love you Mark!

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