Friday, August 10, 2012

Help!! I'm stuck and I can't get up!

Yep, I went there. As were all familiar with that commercial, lets not forget about the pregnant people too. Well in our case, getting stuck. I thought it was a one hit wonder with my pregnancy with Colt...but who would of guessed "Luck" strikes again.

My pregnancy has turned into a war zone, swollen legs after a battle tackling the day, those annoying hip clicks, and of course the return of the clutze. Nothing is comfortable, and I feel terrible for my hubby. He's having to batch it while I find comfort on the lazy boy. Let me say, BEST INVENTION EVER, and oh so so comfy.

So as usual, CAN'T SLEEP...who would of  So I decided how bout a bath, that should calm this ole heifer down..La La La Land and before you know it...SHOOT..I don't have the strength to get up, it's 4am and everyone's peacefully sleeping. I make a shout out...but no one hears me.

I guess its back to using innovated ideas....think think think...ahh ha! do the floppy fish roll and this ole lady is up. WHEW!!!

So then my mind is brewing and I thought more about the Life Alert commercial. I just figured out that we have 4 phones in the house, and they all have an intercom button...SWEET!! I'll use that next time...can't image hanging a house phone around my neck being feasible.

Until then...what shall the day bring.

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