Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!

Well today marked our first year of marriage. It was a good day full of laughter, hugs and good times. The grandparents are home from the hospital, where grandma had back surgery....yes at 80 yrs old. She's making a remarkable recovery. Mark decided to help Aunt Dawn harvest potatoes and later had a fighter fire meeting at the hall.

I got home bit ago from taking Colten to the annual Library Street dance. I think there was well over 50 kids and it was great to catch up with friends. I, being the comedian waddled my way over to the hot dog serving line. The lady announces "Everyone, hot dogs are ready"!!  I shouted back in front of everyone..."I don't think I need one" the assumption of my growing belly. Everyone had a good laugh and commented on my anniversary photo that I vamped up...All day, I was hearing funny stuff about it..

I think the real shocker was my husband was suprised by how big his head was. After a friend nudged me like a milk cow,  he stated I might not be an easy calver with the big ole bull I'm with..gatta laugh!! Some people were suprised how quick I've grown and still think there's two babies. One thing is, I live in a great community and have a flood full of support. I love you Nelighites!!

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