Saturday, August 11, 2012

For the love of cattle.....

 So here are some pics of last years calves. I'm still trying to get used to the camera. We raise Black Angus calves each year. Some times we are blessed with twins, other days we sadly lose a few.

I have three mama cows that I basically can rub down. When my hubby found out, he swore I ruined his

When I met Mark, he was entering his 2nd year of taking over the farm and these girls were his first purchase. Mark was used to dairy cattle where they could be messed with, petted and practically babied. Not these girls. He'd used to chase them down with a sorting stick, get flustered and basically use every naughty word in the books.

One day seeing his hardwork become a fairy tale I basically said "Mark, these cattle are girls, females, estrogen at it's think I'd listen to you cussing at me, whacking me with a stick"...Didn't think so. Since then, and changing his cattle handling practice, he can now sort the cattle by himself, no stick or device and they come when balled at. SUCCESS.

These girls are a blessing to care for, great for kids to come see, and every part of our family. I'm a proud supporter of the BEEF STATE!

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