Saturday, August 11, 2012

IT's a GIRL!!!

Ok...I swear this is my last blog for the day, but when Mark and I learned that were having a girl...Things got real!

I do worry some days, hoping she keeps baking and doesn't come early. After loosing my first child, who happened to be a lil girl, you can't help this. My hubby was SO OVERJOYED, when he found out. He likes to walk around the house like a pepped up stud acting like the Fonz about his accomplishment. He says he's thrilled that he's given me a lil girl, I never got the chance to have, but I know deep down he's giggling like a school girl.

Why? might you ask...a girl= pink...but mommy's been a tomboy her whole life. I'm thrilled to have a lil girl, but I feel like a nervous hen at the butcher shop. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU SHOP FOR A GIRL!!! I even panick over this. I'm sooo used to shopping for my son. He's easy, fast, and not to picky. We like alot of the same things and he's my farm buddy.

This summer, I asked a bunch of my girlfriends when there daughters birthdays were. They looked at me puzzled and I explained...I need practice. The first time being in the girl section, I was a deer in headlights. It took me 2.5 hrs and I bought way to much. I even had to ask a patron what lil girls like at there age. Granted, I would of  got a gift card for the girls, and there like apart of our family...but still I needed practice.

So far things are going ok, people say I'm doing well with my I've decided to do a baby farm animal theme. I'll add some pics soon. So I've whipped out my genious art and created some of our own onsies.

I found some horse and moo moo iron ons and lettering.. I even made a onsie that says "Jisa made". They turned out cute so far....omg..I just said cute...ahhhhh!!!

So my hubby has been bonkers about the lil girl and went to the extreme. I caught him the other day with her onsie, layed across his shoulder, rocking it in the recliner. He then asks me how hard to pat her back to burp her...I melted. I know this man's whole, manly world is going to change when he lays eyes on happens to the best of us.

Oh my, I have to tell you about Mark's first "toddler experience". Thankfully it was with my son and it was the time when they were getting to know each other and it was my week with Colt. He was 2yrs old, still in diapers. Mark is manly,  and all about football, soccer, farming...big machines. He decided to watch Colt for the first time. I promised him that I just changed his diaper and he was good to go.

Lone behold I get a frantic phone call at work. "Hollie....he just crapped his britches, what do I do"?
Well DUH!!! clean him up. I came home that night and had learned that Colt was laughing when he snickered his diaper and peed on the floor, and Mark thought you disapline kids like you do pups having an accident. He said he lightly popped him on the diaper with a newspaper for peeing on the hardwood floors. I laughed so hard and explained to him raising a kid is NOT like a puppy in those terms. I think the next time I had him watch Colt, he was out of

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