Monday, August 13, 2012


Brooklyn, as we plan to name her has been slowing down on the kicks, thou she's not afraid to let me know she's there. It's been 5.5 years since I've had a kid and I totally forgot everything. I'm 26 weeks now and wonder if that's normal at this stage or not.  She's been playing with my bladder and ribs quite a bit. Grandma and I laughed the other day, rallying who had the better DEPENDS...bwhahha!!

I had one scary moment today. As I was ironing...I could feel the blood draining from me and the sensation of a blackout coming forth.. I ran to the recliner, got my feet up and passed out for 3hrs. It's getting harder to eat and I'm not a breakfast fan. I think either my BP dropped or my blood sugar. So I think as long as I get a quik bite to eat in the morning, it should hold me out better.

I'm realizing that I can't do the same things now pregnant than previously. I swear if I work up a sweat my body just wants to shut down. I wonder if more fluids will help with the blood pressure. I think the last OB visit I was 90/56 on my left side, lying down. The tired streak is coming back, and it sucks because I start the rest of my nursing classes.

 So Mark's been on this kick that he wants the baby to come a week sooner, so he can show her off all by himself and to ensure this doesn't reflect the football schedule. Goodness forbid I have Brook on Husker Football I can just image it..I pop her out and can shout out "TOUCH DOWN" I also have this fear that when she does want to come it will be at the most inconvienent time ever...during nursing clinicals, in my white uniform..bwhahha...POP!! Like that's not going to be noticeable! I might want to warn my teachers I might be getting my tuition's worth and there years worth!

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