Saturday, August 11, 2012

Food for thoughts.....

So this post I've dedicated to teaching consumers about agriculture, and the never ending drought were face with this year.
A week or so ago, yahoo had the audacity to have people make comments and create a story about the drought and how it's affected agriculture. Well 90% of the people who commented were not farmers, and posted thousands of comments blaming the farmers.

People were blaming us for the uprise in market prices, fuel prices, the inflation in food costs. Some accused us of having ignorant farm practices and how we mistreat our cattle. Well they got my attention.

Anymore these days, you almost need at least 5 yrs of Ag experience, or a college degree with how technology has advanced. The average Dumbledor can't just whip out mad skills and expect to grow the finest crop. As a farme,r we don't lick tractor windows or use crayons for signing loans.

Lets get things straight, as a farmers wife I will stand and protect every farmer out there including my husband. It's our passion, and requires ALOT of hard work, patients, and luck. You could easily compare planting with don't know your odds or if you hit the honey hole until harvest.

First thing.. the market board is controlled by the economy, supply and demand, the goverment, and well all of you. Everytime you buy corn flakes or use E-85, our supply dwindles.

Second..we cannot control mother nature. She has a mind of her own. She has decided to create a significant drought that has eradicated almost every corn crop in Nebraska. 81 of our 92 counties have been affected. This means= no supply.75% of the nation has been affected as well.

If people can't start using gay/lesbian rights in politics...then I can complain about PETA and HSUS.
The drought has caused a severe shortage in hay, it's burned up millions of acres of pastures, and feed prices are through the roof. The Ag producers are suffering and trying everything in there power to sell there cattle to bettter places or feedlots. We help feed the nation and neighboring countries and work hard to ensure our cattle are fit, healthy, and well taken care back off.

PETA and HSUS are claiming that we are murdering corn and soybean plants. These plants require oxygen like humans and we are harming them. Well I'll gladly go to lunch with the CEO, munching on a steak and eat corn while every kernal is screaming to there doom.

As my hubby says those who are complaining, "Don't talk with food in your mouth". Most american's work a 9-5, vacation, pto time, healthcare...ect. We don't get that luxuary. We pay out of pocket for health insurance, we use pivots to water our crops which require daily maintenance, we get paid once a year. The boys work hard and are out easily 12-16hrs a day with the operation. Birthday's get missed, anniversaries on hold, and vacations...are usually taking cattle to a sale. We don't whine, give up, or throw in the towel. Farmers work hard to ensure the crops are healthy, and it's our way to make a living. We do care about our fellow american's and make sure our feed curbs America's hungar.

There's this stigma...oh make the farmers pay taxes...there rich.. Oh sweetheart your in for a reality check. We get paid once a year, where you get paid bi monthly. Lets say you make 50k a yr and we gross 1.2 million...the expenses are poportionate. You spend $300.00 on yard care...some spend 64K in fertilizer. Pasture rent is $350 a month, some pay in excess of $250K. You have vehicle maintenance of $2-3K, well get a combine, or a are $1000 a piece, payments could be $49K. Since the drought hit, thousands didn't get drought insurance, or they planted before the USDA start day = null/void contract, which means =NO MONEY... and you thought you were in a pickle.

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