Saturday, September 8, 2012

Going stir crazy!

My goodness, who ever thinks staying home alone for the weekend is fun, you must of got paid to say that. I've never been so stir crazy. I'm so used to attending to the family needs, and a 5 yr old running around.

Mark went on his yearly fishing trip and Colten has his weekend visit with his father in North Platte. This mama was completely bored and nothing worked, well except detailing the whole garage. After a good conversation with my father and many laughs, we've come to the conclusion that we don't do good bored, and relaxing leads us to let our thoughts wonder....which isn't always good.

Now being pregnant, it felt like being on house arrest and it was no fun. I swear I circled our kitchen island more than 8 times due to boredom. I ended up calling my parents and my in-laws to entertain me.

On the other note, baby Brooklyn is doing great and is quite the stretcher. Talk about pain.I'll be lucky to make it out with my organs intact. If people didn't see my pregnant belly, they'd confuse me with tourette syndrom with my facial expressions. Each kick, belly swirl, stretch, rib face showed a reaction or a body

I have 10 weeks to go and have so many thoughts scrambling my mind. Where am I going to deliver? Should I go to my MIL house for Thanksgiving, will she come early, do I want to be induced?....ahh the questions. Now I have to figure if I want a baby shower before or after she's born.

Still need to get the crib done, start purchasing diapers, get a diaper bag, bottles, pumps....ahhhh!!!

Well tomorrow Mark comes home and so does Colten, THANK GOODNESS!!!

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