Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First day of Kindergarten!

Oh boy how does that song go...oh yeah lets just have Mark sing that Adam Sandler song off "Billy Madison", while I cry...
"Back to school, back to prove to mama I'm not a fool"!!

He was up before me and rearing to go. Once the clothes were on, he insisted mama do his He didn't want to eat breakfast, but I had to bribe him with a bowl of Reeses Puffs cereal. As I sent him off to line up with his class mates, all the parents stayed, along with I. It felt like a bunch of mama cows nervously watching their calves :)

8 boys and 4 girls are in his class and boy were they full of energy. We had orientation last night and some of the past preschool teachers asked Colten who he had..He replied " I have that mean ole lady"...There was many laughs that echoed the gymnasium.

The classroom has some state of the art equiptment and made Mark and I want to go back to Kindergarten...It looked like alot of fun!

I quietly cried on my way home and now as I write this. How can that tender lil boy who I excitedly brought home, bundled in my arms, be headed off to kindergarten. A place full of opportunities to brighten his future. I feel so old at 25 and sending my 5yr old off. This will take time to get used to.

Colten, mommy loves you with all her heart. You have given her many memories, laughter, tears when you were home with me. I love you dearly and can't wait for what your future may bring. I'll always be waiting for you to get home, to share your day, be there during your struggles, and help carry you forward. I love you lil man!


Monday, August 13, 2012

New landscape!

HORRAY!! We got the phone call today that our landscapers will be coming tomorrow. Since we bought the house, they had never installed grass, and wanted the option for the new homeowners...kinda cool. So they will arrive tomorrow with our blue prints and trailer load of shrubs, trees, bark, and masonary rocks. I can't wait to take pics and it's been a long time coming.

The project will take two days and I can't wait to take before and after pics of the progress. It's been nice to have this delayed because there was no way the grass would of survived the drought, no matter how much water you put into it.

I'm still remembering all that we wanted but I do remember a japanese maple tree, juniper shrubs, mini spruce tree's, oriental grass, light colored bark and some flowers. I know there doing the whole perimeter and the mail box area. Since the drought, all we've had to do was roundup weeds and not worry about mowing.

After that is done, Mark's cousin will be coming to install the underground sprinkler systems and Bill will be coming to revamp all the weeds out, more dirt and install hydroseed grass.

I did warn Mark after we had $2000.00 worth of damage because of our dog...that the moment she digs up a bush, tears the yard to pieces or eats a sprinkler head...she's gone. She's already destroyed two of my car tires, chewed up the electrical wires from our Green Mountain Grill, some on the boat, chewed up Colts whole, and seat...chewed up all of our cattle supplies and tipped a garbage can with 4 bags of trash throughout the whole yard!! All because we were gone for the day...she somehow learned to open both garage side doors. Our place was TRASHED!!


Brooklyn, as we plan to name her has been slowing down on the kicks, thou she's not afraid to let me know she's there. It's been 5.5 years since I've had a kid and I totally forgot everything. I'm 26 weeks now and wonder if that's normal at this stage or not.  She's been playing with my bladder and ribs quite a bit. Grandma and I laughed the other day, rallying who had the better DEPENDS...bwhahha!!

I had one scary moment today. As I was ironing...I could feel the blood draining from me and the sensation of a blackout coming forth.. I ran to the recliner, got my feet up and passed out for 3hrs. It's getting harder to eat and I'm not a breakfast fan. I think either my BP dropped or my blood sugar. So I think as long as I get a quik bite to eat in the morning, it should hold me out better.

I'm realizing that I can't do the same things now pregnant than previously. I swear if I work up a sweat my body just wants to shut down. I wonder if more fluids will help with the blood pressure. I think the last OB visit I was 90/56 on my left side, lying down. The tired streak is coming back, and it sucks because I start the rest of my nursing classes.

 So Mark's been on this kick that he wants the baby to come a week sooner, so he can show her off all by himself and to ensure this doesn't reflect the football schedule. Goodness forbid I have Brook on Husker Football I can just image it..I pop her out and can shout out "TOUCH DOWN" I also have this fear that when she does want to come it will be at the most inconvienent time ever...during nursing clinicals, in my white uniform..bwhahha...POP!! Like that's not going to be noticeable! I might want to warn my teachers I might be getting my tuition's worth and there years worth!

Happy Anniversary!!

Well today marked our first year of marriage. It was a good day full of laughter, hugs and good times. The grandparents are home from the hospital, where grandma had back surgery....yes at 80 yrs old. She's making a remarkable recovery. Mark decided to help Aunt Dawn harvest potatoes and later had a fighter fire meeting at the hall.

I got home bit ago from taking Colten to the annual Library Street dance. I think there was well over 50 kids and it was great to catch up with friends. I, being the comedian waddled my way over to the hot dog serving line. The lady announces "Everyone, hot dogs are ready"!!  I shouted back in front of everyone..."I don't think I need one" the assumption of my growing belly. Everyone had a good laugh and commented on my anniversary photo that I vamped up...All day, I was hearing funny stuff about it..

I think the real shocker was my husband was suprised by how big his head was. After a friend nudged me like a milk cow,  he stated I might not be an easy calver with the big ole bull I'm with..gatta laugh!! Some people were suprised how quick I've grown and still think there's two babies. One thing is, I live in a great community and have a flood full of support. I love you Nelighites!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Oh my I survived the first year!

So yesterday the hubby actually took the whole day off. After what felt like a week at the mall, you'd think the farmer would make a quik trip. Bwhwhaha I was wrong.. I swear everytime he was trying on shoes he was a princess excited for the new glass slipper.

The baby I swear is just like her father and has an internal feeding clock..6pm strikes and I get the beat down. The farmer's version of a hot spicy night ended up being a delicious dinner at a mexican resturant. Fajita's for farm boy and I settled for a chimichanga...but I ended up with a salsa beatdown from butter ball below!!

Well tomorrow strikes the first year of marriage A year I'd never take for granted. Mark has been an amazing husband, step father and best friend. They say opposites attract, but we have alot in common, and it's fun to share that each day. I swear that kid knows me better than my own parents.

So the hubby and I had a funny laugh today checking pivots. As everyone knows, there are times where I go uncensored. I don't mean to offend anyone, because I care, but I love to take things out of context at times and make jokes.

I think most american's have seen that show "Sister Wives". I really enjoy the show and have my own beliefs. I don't understand why politics has to get involved with everyone. If you think about it, we have every culture available in the U.S., so of course were going to have clash....It's not like were Ireland, irish, drink guiness, and are roman catholic...and have the same origination.

Where I'm getting at is with this polygamy issue in America...especially the state Utah. As we were passing our pastures, I laughed at my own inside joke. Hubby asked, so I

If polygamy is such a bad deal...why arn't American's whining at farmer/ranchers that raise cattle.
I mean we have 4 head sire bulls, they service 65 women cows...pumping out babies left and right....yea a whole 65 of them each year...might as well call our pasture Utah! I then laughed my head off because we got a call of 125 head that are available for sale. I just pictured a smile on the bulls face!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

IT's a GIRL!!!

Ok...I swear this is my last blog for the day, but when Mark and I learned that were having a girl...Things got real!

I do worry some days, hoping she keeps baking and doesn't come early. After loosing my first child, who happened to be a lil girl, you can't help this. My hubby was SO OVERJOYED, when he found out. He likes to walk around the house like a pepped up stud acting like the Fonz about his accomplishment. He says he's thrilled that he's given me a lil girl, I never got the chance to have, but I know deep down he's giggling like a school girl.

Why? might you ask...a girl= pink...but mommy's been a tomboy her whole life. I'm thrilled to have a lil girl, but I feel like a nervous hen at the butcher shop. HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU SHOP FOR A GIRL!!! I even panick over this. I'm sooo used to shopping for my son. He's easy, fast, and not to picky. We like alot of the same things and he's my farm buddy.

This summer, I asked a bunch of my girlfriends when there daughters birthdays were. They looked at me puzzled and I explained...I need practice. The first time being in the girl section, I was a deer in headlights. It took me 2.5 hrs and I bought way to much. I even had to ask a patron what lil girls like at there age. Granted, I would of  got a gift card for the girls, and there like apart of our family...but still I needed practice.

So far things are going ok, people say I'm doing well with my I've decided to do a baby farm animal theme. I'll add some pics soon. So I've whipped out my genious art and created some of our own onsies.

I found some horse and moo moo iron ons and lettering.. I even made a onsie that says "Jisa made". They turned out cute so far....omg..I just said cute...ahhhhh!!!

So my hubby has been bonkers about the lil girl and went to the extreme. I caught him the other day with her onsie, layed across his shoulder, rocking it in the recliner. He then asks me how hard to pat her back to burp her...I melted. I know this man's whole, manly world is going to change when he lays eyes on happens to the best of us.

Oh my, I have to tell you about Mark's first "toddler experience". Thankfully it was with my son and it was the time when they were getting to know each other and it was my week with Colt. He was 2yrs old, still in diapers. Mark is manly,  and all about football, soccer, farming...big machines. He decided to watch Colt for the first time. I promised him that I just changed his diaper and he was good to go.

Lone behold I get a frantic phone call at work. "Hollie....he just crapped his britches, what do I do"?
Well DUH!!! clean him up. I came home that night and had learned that Colt was laughing when he snickered his diaper and peed on the floor, and Mark thought you disapline kids like you do pups having an accident. He said he lightly popped him on the diaper with a newspaper for peeing on the hardwood floors. I laughed so hard and explained to him raising a kid is NOT like a puppy in those terms. I think the next time I had him watch Colt, he was out of that my husband???

Ahh the simple things in life, I've learned to love and appreciate. My hubby has had one trying year, but is a smart man when it comes to farming practices. The poor man gets to bed at midnight, gets up at 6am each day. Cattle need checked, pivots looked over, and maintenance on the farm.

When he does come home, it's a blessing he arrives safe and out of harms way. This year we have pushed the pivots to the max. The drought has finally hit the watering hole for the pivots and like's something to worry about.

I have to tease my hubby, I swear these pivots are his new girlfriends and boy are the needy might I add. They all have a name and every time I meet with them, I have to hold my tongue before the heavenly father hears my choice

The good news....Barbara the bimbo pivot has been fixed after three grueling days of leaking, sparking, and creating more of a concern. My hubby put a stop to her water works. As most know this summer we have been tortured with intensive heat throughout the midwest. We only recieved three rains and each only totalled 20 hundredths. As I say...enough to wet the concrete and make the dirt crack.

So mother nature and I had a long talk and she's finally decided to give us a break. Were looking at 80's weather for the week and a possiblility of rain tonight. I might just want to do my rain dance, but I want to refrain from shaking the

Well since the end of summer is nearing, pivots might get to be shut off for the weekend. Talk about a huge newsflash!! This is big news.. Granted the corn is crap, but we still have soybeans that we can water and are doing ok due to the drought.

Therefore, what shall a pent up farm wife do...I mean this is a rare occasion!! Well since the hubby is home and our first anniversary is Monday, were going to take advantage of shopping for new clothes, eat supper at a nice steakhouse, shoot I might steal some hugs from him.

I'm not the average ole milk cow either. I don't require much, and not a picky person...but those who do know me I'm a tomboy thru and thru. So for our anniversary, since we bought a new house last Feb and we have a sliding window...I want SHADES...Let me whip out my crayons and draw a pic.

Our house is rectangular shaped. 1900sq upstairs and 1700sq down stairs...estimate. Anyways the laundry room/mud room is right by garage and our rooms are on the opposite side of the house. Let's just say when your muddy, or dirty..the clothes come off and your doing the ultimate streaker mad dash to the bedroom. While in persuit, you can't help but notice the HUGE open window facing the neighbors,  and dare looking out as you run along..

Now that I'm pregnant...I feel sorry for my  Can't imagine there thinking and blinking, contemplating if the just saw a humped back, two legged buffalo. Trust me, I make sure I smile each time. The hubby is more normal about it.

I can't wait to spend some quality time with him. I'll be sure that he knows he's loved, taken care of, and most of all the love of my life. I appreciate everything that he does and count my blessings each day..He sacrifices alot to provide for us. Every bruise, cut, dirt stain...I don't take for granted!
Love you Mark!

Food for thoughts.....

So this post I've dedicated to teaching consumers about agriculture, and the never ending drought were face with this year.
A week or so ago, yahoo had the audacity to have people make comments and create a story about the drought and how it's affected agriculture. Well 90% of the people who commented were not farmers, and posted thousands of comments blaming the farmers.

People were blaming us for the uprise in market prices, fuel prices, the inflation in food costs. Some accused us of having ignorant farm practices and how we mistreat our cattle. Well they got my attention.

Anymore these days, you almost need at least 5 yrs of Ag experience, or a college degree with how technology has advanced. The average Dumbledor can't just whip out mad skills and expect to grow the finest crop. As a farme,r we don't lick tractor windows or use crayons for signing loans.

Lets get things straight, as a farmers wife I will stand and protect every farmer out there including my husband. It's our passion, and requires ALOT of hard work, patients, and luck. You could easily compare planting with don't know your odds or if you hit the honey hole until harvest.

First thing.. the market board is controlled by the economy, supply and demand, the goverment, and well all of you. Everytime you buy corn flakes or use E-85, our supply dwindles.

Second..we cannot control mother nature. She has a mind of her own. She has decided to create a significant drought that has eradicated almost every corn crop in Nebraska. 81 of our 92 counties have been affected. This means= no supply.75% of the nation has been affected as well.

If people can't start using gay/lesbian rights in politics...then I can complain about PETA and HSUS.
The drought has caused a severe shortage in hay, it's burned up millions of acres of pastures, and feed prices are through the roof. The Ag producers are suffering and trying everything in there power to sell there cattle to bettter places or feedlots. We help feed the nation and neighboring countries and work hard to ensure our cattle are fit, healthy, and well taken care back off.

PETA and HSUS are claiming that we are murdering corn and soybean plants. These plants require oxygen like humans and we are harming them. Well I'll gladly go to lunch with the CEO, munching on a steak and eat corn while every kernal is screaming to there doom.

As my hubby says those who are complaining, "Don't talk with food in your mouth". Most american's work a 9-5, vacation, pto time, healthcare...ect. We don't get that luxuary. We pay out of pocket for health insurance, we use pivots to water our crops which require daily maintenance, we get paid once a year. The boys work hard and are out easily 12-16hrs a day with the operation. Birthday's get missed, anniversaries on hold, and vacations...are usually taking cattle to a sale. We don't whine, give up, or throw in the towel. Farmers work hard to ensure the crops are healthy, and it's our way to make a living. We do care about our fellow american's and make sure our feed curbs America's hungar.

There's this stigma...oh make the farmers pay taxes...there rich.. Oh sweetheart your in for a reality check. We get paid once a year, where you get paid bi monthly. Lets say you make 50k a yr and we gross 1.2 million...the expenses are poportionate. You spend $300.00 on yard care...some spend 64K in fertilizer. Pasture rent is $350 a month, some pay in excess of $250K. You have vehicle maintenance of $2-3K, well get a combine, or a are $1000 a piece, payments could be $49K. Since the drought hit, thousands didn't get drought insurance, or they planted before the USDA start day = null/void contract, which means =NO MONEY... and you thought you were in a pickle.

For the love of cattle.....

 So here are some pics of last years calves. I'm still trying to get used to the camera. We raise Black Angus calves each year. Some times we are blessed with twins, other days we sadly lose a few.

I have three mama cows that I basically can rub down. When my hubby found out, he swore I ruined his

When I met Mark, he was entering his 2nd year of taking over the farm and these girls were his first purchase. Mark was used to dairy cattle where they could be messed with, petted and practically babied. Not these girls. He'd used to chase them down with a sorting stick, get flustered and basically use every naughty word in the books.

One day seeing his hardwork become a fairy tale I basically said "Mark, these cattle are girls, females, estrogen at it's think I'd listen to you cussing at me, whacking me with a stick"...Didn't think so. Since then, and changing his cattle handling practice, he can now sort the cattle by himself, no stick or device and they come when balled at. SUCCESS.

These girls are a blessing to care for, great for kids to come see, and every part of our family. I'm a proud supporter of the BEEF STATE!

Friday, August 10, 2012

You might be a redneck if.......

Well if your 50% of the population of Nebraska!!

I originally come from a small farm town called Cheney, WA. There we were taught how to enunciate our words, be proper (bwhahah), have manners and yet be normal... In Nebraska, its a beautiful, fun and amazing state..but I've been here for 7 years and the goofy side is kicking in.

So being pregnant, comes with it's challenges. I'm at the starting feat where I can't see my toes to well, putting on socks feels more like pilates exercise, and the uncomfortable pain noises sound like animal calls.

Well as a female, normally we all reach a point where it's time to knock down the tree stuble, or weeds from our legs. In my case, I can't bend as well and had to revert my thinking based on redneck legends. Think...think....think! 

Who would of thought a yard stick could have so many purposes. I mean you can measure fabric length, your kids height, hey even turn it into a weapon. I've comed to my senses and will become a millionare helping the elderly and prego woman all over the world...lets introduce "Insta-shaver stick".
 Grab your handy dandy duct tape and take your shaver, and tape it to the stick= BRILLIANCE at it's finest. It's at the right length and you can finally shave your unsightly leg landscape. I do plan on adding a warning label...because it's not totally fool proof...I mean has blades and anyone can cut

I'll let you know how it!


EXACTLY!! as the title says. As we all know, I'm prego and comes with that is the super powers of the almighty nose. I have been blessed to have a "Curts" nose. Large, oddly protruding from my face with a hint of a ski slope at the bride. Now thats what you call a vivid picture.

So during my pregnancy, I've faired pretty well with smells, but my super powers are at an all time high. I swear I could sniff out a dirty diaper, sizzling steaks.... hey possibly a gas leak. The troubling part is it doesn't fare well with odors lately. Why know I ask my self.

As a farm wife..I have a dear sweet ole` farm boy. He's a super sweet, honest and generous guy, but don't let that underestimate the hidden dangers. With a farm boy comes...well pungent odors. He's been fighting pivots all summer, handling cattle and prepping for fall harvest. When he comes home, he's rugged, sweaty with cuts and bruises, dirt smeared everywhere, and smells.

Well as a normal married couple, I attempted to sleep in the same bed with him, hoping I could find some comfort in our new king bed. I'm not used to such a large bed, so I have to kid around and ask him how the weather is over there...quite the

For my husband, I could swear he's been laced with a female weapon called "Hotflashes"...this kid is hot all the time. He could be hot like Jamaica while I'm freezing my footsies over in Antarctica. Well as ususal, the lovely ceiling fan becomes the highlight to put him to rest. BUT who would of thought that the ceiling fan is actually a lauging bomb waiting to attack any victim.

So there I am minding my own business, when ole cheezer decides to unmistakably "burp" in his panties. I know where all human and it's "NATURAL", but lets get scientific. Hot air rises, yes stay with me. Well as the hot stinky air rises who do you think it's going to meet with...ahhh ha, the ceiling fan.

With this ceiling fan, it's blades circulate air down in a sweeping motion towards me...KABOOM!! this ole lady just got bombed with the almighty grease sizzler. In return = instant pukage. I could of won the Olympic 3 meter race with my mad dashing skills. That smell sent me bowing down before the ole throne and loosing every ounce of my dear ole coconut pie. I was mad!! Why because our town finally is carrying famous pies from back home, and I had enjoyed every delightful morsal.

Well me being the dumb dumb attempted this feat 3 more times and meeting Sir flush alot too many times.. I GIVE UP...I'm sleeping in ole lazy boy and pouting.

What did we learn today....ceiling fans are modern warfare!!

Help!! I'm stuck and I can't get up!

Yep, I went there. As were all familiar with that commercial, lets not forget about the pregnant people too. Well in our case, getting stuck. I thought it was a one hit wonder with my pregnancy with Colt...but who would of guessed "Luck" strikes again.

My pregnancy has turned into a war zone, swollen legs after a battle tackling the day, those annoying hip clicks, and of course the return of the clutze. Nothing is comfortable, and I feel terrible for my hubby. He's having to batch it while I find comfort on the lazy boy. Let me say, BEST INVENTION EVER, and oh so so comfy.

So as usual, CAN'T SLEEP...who would of  So I decided how bout a bath, that should calm this ole heifer down..La La La Land and before you know it...SHOOT..I don't have the strength to get up, it's 4am and everyone's peacefully sleeping. I make a shout out...but no one hears me.

I guess its back to using innovated ideas....think think think...ahh ha! do the floppy fish roll and this ole lady is up. WHEW!!!

So then my mind is brewing and I thought more about the Life Alert commercial. I just figured out that we have 4 phones in the house, and they all have an intercom button...SWEET!! I'll use that next time...can't image hanging a house phone around my neck being feasible.

Until then...what shall the day bring.

I've lost my senses and....dignity.

This is my first bear with me. I will be blogging during the course of my pregnancy, since I have been having quirky moments. Lets also thank my cousin for the idea. Something to look back on and share!

Ok, so I'm like 25 whooping weeks along in this pregnancy, and let me tell you it hasn't been easy. We will be blessed with a lil girl due on Thanksgiving Day. For the time being, I'm harboring the butterball turkey. I'll gladly take the nickname "Butters" might I add. In my post, they might come out sounding "dumb" goofy, or yet...the worst redneck ever...but don't worry, I'm a successful nursing student who's caught in the "prego moment", yeah that time where all brain cells and beauty went out the window and your hubby checks up on ya to make sure your're still normal.

I'm currently a farm wife, where we  raise black angus cattle, grow corn and soybeans. I have a 5yr old son name Colt and a goofy husband name Mark. I'm finally glad I found a site, where I can just blog about my feelings....95% of the time hormonal and the hilarious good times we have. Not a day goes by that we don't share a giggle in this house. FYI...check and see if your computer has insurance...there will be a few moments where you might spit out your drink with my humor...:)

Thank you...come again!