Monday, November 12, 2012


So today was another and the last baby appt. Boy do I have some updating to do. First of all, I'm stuck with the C-section option...BOOOO!!! Then again, I'd rather have a healthy baby.
Meet with anesthesiologist, get blood work done....wait a minute...this is when Twilights's final movie "Breaking Dawn" comes out...go figure...they want my blood.

So I picked Colten up today from school, lone behold the first thought pops in my head after I see him..."SPECIAL". What in the world in my son doing wearing a camo hat and a life jacket to kindergarten. All I do was pick my jaw off the ground and shake my head....whats next...wearing the helmet to school because "all this learning hurts my head mama". At least he left all the parents with a good laugh..."that's my boy"....hahha!

So like any prego lady...pregnancy has left me with the all to familiar "break the seal" without the added buzz effect. This ginormous belly of mine has weighted my legs down. I was literally stuck on the "sir flush alot". So resorting to my ideas my husbands legendary advice enters my space brain...

According to Mark, his words were "Nose over toes"....ok...I think I can handle that. 123...houston it's a lift off....well it doesn't turn out the best for me. I loose my balance because of the swinging weight and blimp feet and *FACEPLANT* it on the tub edge...Talk about a bloody nose and me stuck on the the helpless lil turtle.

What I don't understand is I've learned through life lesson's..."don't cry ya puss" all those times I ran into the counter, fell off the steps, hit the garage, tripped on the carpet...I laugh my pain away...Yes the hubby has given me the "odd" look plenty of times.

All I can do is just shake my head and "pretend" it NEVER happened! LOL!!

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