Saturday, October 27, 2012

The labor prenup!!

Ok, yeah it does sound a bit odd, but hey I haven't been all normal and "with it" with this pregnancy. So, like many women out there, they create this wonderful birth plan on how they want things to go for there childs birth...I've got a new name for it...Labor Prenup!

So, I've decided to blog a lil bit of how I want things to go. I do know from experience, that not everything goes as planned. From what I remembered from Colten's birth, was it was a pretty straigh forward procedure...Induced at 1pm....labored, walked, turned evil, took a shower, labored some more...whined...laughed while I cried...and then the marvelous sensation to push...once I had that feeling It was a go for Houston!

Well my real mom called to burst my bubble and say, "Honey, it's not going to be the same as your last birth"....thanks for the wake up call lady :) Now back to my prenup with this child, here is the following stuff I'd like to happen:
1. I call the shots.....bwhahha...ok not going to happen
2. I want to walk as much as I can. When I sway my hips, I'm able to control the pain better.
3. Lots of breathing. Breathe in............and breathe out... sounds easy, but with those nasty tummy smackers, LaLa land needs to upgrade to the Hilton Spa.
4. Don't ask me if I want the epidural every 2 sec... I REFUSE to insert anything into my spine, especially with all these cases of meningitis due to equipment being contaminated...not on my watch!!
5. If It's pushing time, don't be hounding me "Hollie push...1 2 3...Push, more than likely your going to get the evil stink eye and me shouting..."What does it look like I'm doing....knitting"!!!
6. I downloaded some songs to my ipod to listen during "Shout" by tears for fears....Stranglehold by Ted Nugent ( I dedicate this to my hubby)...and maybe "Burning Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash during the pushing faze. We shall see!
7. I WILL be waiting to hear a cry...and don't try to hush her...more air to expand the lungs...Scream it out sunshine...scream it out!!
8. Don't let my requests for food be met.. I remember all too well Nubain and a Whopper don't mix.
9. My hubby and mother in law will be there, so they have been warned not to photograph certain areas..
10. If I have to have a c-section....don't freak me out about it..try every option until nothing is possible.
11. I want the baby placed on my chest immediately after she's born.. I will understand if she needs some help breathing, to take her then.
12. PLEASE be nice taking out the placenta...I remember the last lady tugging it out and it was excruciating pain...let nature take it's course.
13. Please please let my doc be there to deliver... I'm not fond of the idea having a replacement doc there for convienence.
14. I know some of my peers are doing clinical rounds in's ok if they want to watch it, we all have to learn some way, some how.

Ok... I think that's it for now. As of today, I've been in the super woman cleaning mode. The baby on the other hand has been really low and I feel like she's in position and I "lightened up"! I hope this is progress!

Untill next time, stay tuned for......Who knows what I'll come up with!


Wow, it's been forever since I've been on her...Shame on me! Well lets see, I'm 36 weeks now and I have this funny feeling that my due date is wrong, maybe like a week...or it's my wishful thinking.

So far I've had some progress with this whole dilation thing I hope. I lost the ole glory plug and starting to feel more and more pressure as the days progress. In the mean time, I'm on my last clinical day this Tuesday. Horry!! I love my residents, and acually have the pleasure of taken care of the oldest Nebraskan ever....she's 112 yrs old...Amazing and super cute!

Lets see, from my last post I've had the normal drop in's with the doc, and had a fetal/contraction test two weeks ago..Fun Fun...more like 1.5hrs of my life I won't get back..but I guess it comes with the territory.

I'm at that point with this pregnancy where things are going downhill faster than the titanic shinking. Literally!! My hips are giving out on me, so this requires the assistance from someone. My hubby has been amazing all day with his help and I'm dearly grateful for this. He's had the weekend off due to our first snow last Thursday. A whole inch I must say and it got me in the holiday spirit!

As of now, from time to time I'll be posting here and there and definately during my labor progress. I mean c'mon...I've whined, groaned, whimpered the past 9 months to everyone, the least I could do is share the wonderful experience to the end!